Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Improve existing tasks

In order to be innovative, one needs to ensure that all existing tasks are done in the most optimal way. Routine matters are often dealt with automatically and inefficiency often creeps in, eating into the profitability of the organization. The techniques of innovation see existing tasks as a vast area, with great potential for improvement. The Japanese are always looking for better ways of doing anything. They say in effect, “This is being done very well. Let us study how to do it better.” This is what drives them to amaze the world, incessantly, with their miraculous creations. While it allows the status quo to remain, they are constantly looking for ways to do existing things more efficiently. A well-known manufacturer of travel luggage in India was deeply concerned about the high cost of transporting bags. During a brainstorming session, one of the members asked “Why do you transport air? All the bags are just full of air.” In effect, a nesting system was created, where one bag sat snugly inside a larger bag. The reduction in logistics costs led to the company buying up its nearest rival and enjoying a virtual monopoly for many years.

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