Monday, July 11, 2011

Sringara (Love) Rasa

Love is a great healing rasa. Giving and receiving it energizes and expand your inner self.

There are many types of love ranging from ‘vatsalya’ or mother’s love, to ‘meithri’ the love of friends (according to the Greeks, the highest love is ‘platonic’ love―the pure love between friends), love of the nation, and the universal love and reverence one feels for all living creatures.

Plant the seeds of love in your mindspace, give it space to grow and celebrate it.

Action Plan for Welcoming Sringara Into Your Life

Let love come in:

You need to invite those who love you and those whom you love to enter your life. You may have friends whom you have no time to meet, children who know you only through orders you issue to study well, keep their rooms neat, or cut their hair.

Give love space and time:

Love needs both quality and quantity time. One cannot replace the other. Leisurely spaces allow love to take roots and grow. Love does not need an itinerary, or be totally programmed according to your convenience. It flourishes in idleness, in long companionable silences, in tears and in stumbling. Sharing is its life breath.

Celebrate Love

Celebrate anniversaries. Be generous with affirmations ‘What I really like about you is ….’ Create occasions to show verbally, tonally, and non-verbally that you care.

Family get-togethers affirm the bonds of blood and celebrate them. Launching a family e-bulletin is a celebration of together news. Everyone needs ‘Oh’! moments; they heal the heart with good chemicals and peace.

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