Friday, July 30, 2010

Innovative Companies: Innovation Stars

The Star is an extremely innovative company, which has succeeded in maximizing innovation in all areas of its operations. Creativity is held as a deeply embedded value in the organization. The climate of such a company is extremely nurturing and rewards creativity while being supportive for experimentation.

The following variables are where stars have high scores

* Doing things right
* Doing right things
* Improve exiting tasks
* Doing things not done by others
* Breakthroughs
* Providing challenging jobs
* Cross functional team working
* Reporting on what is happening
* Constructive performance feedback
* Appreciation of gender, race etc
* Investing in new technologies
* Talking directly with customers
* Organization’s response to successful risk taking
* Importance of creativity to high performance
* R&D experience Vs other experience growth over 5yrs
* Energy spent on creativity

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